Pindone Rabbit Pellets Poison 2kg

$71.25 inc. GST

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First generation anticoagulant cereal based pellet.

Pindone less hazardous to non-target animals while still being lethal to rabbits

Pellets are coloured green to deter birds and other native wildlife from consuming

Designed and Made in NZ

Rabbits like the taste so they’re unlikely to stop feeding before consuming a lethal dose – therefore there is no bait shyness

You don’t need to pre-feed the rabbits with non-toxic bait.

Must be used with a bait station like the Multifeeder Bait Station (sold separately).

You don’t need to obtain a license for use within a bait station

Danger to domestic pets is reduced. Vitamin K1 is an effective antidote

Can be used in both rural and urban settings