Good as Gold LimePhos 20kg

$26.95 inc. GST

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Recommended application rate: 300 kg/ha (6 bags/acre]

Good as Gold LimePhos, is a Prilled blend of both limestone and Guano rock, (60/40%), ground to an ultra-fine particle powder. Low application rates, combined with its hassle free spreading characteristics, make Good as Gold LimePhos a very cost effective fertiliser choice.

Dependent on soil type an application of 300kg/ha can be expected to raise soil pH by 0.2, while providing 14 units of Phosphorous. Applying lime at the same time as your phosphorous, increases fertiliser utilisation and sets up your pasture growth for the whole year.

Our locally sourced CaCo3 (calcium carbonate) employed in Good As Gold Lime is approximately 94% pure. The prills are carefully formed with very fine particles containing this high calcium content. This ingenious format of lime ensures the calcium is efficiently dissolved and distributed to the targeted eco network and plant life at the root level. The carbonate portion contained in our Lime works to simultaneously raise the pH levels in the soil promoting greater productivity, and greater yeilds. 

  • Can be spread with basic tools, even spades
  • Brings your soil pH up rapidly
  • Aids nutrient draw and uptake in plants
  • Boosts feeding appeal with stock
  • Prill format minimizes dust when distributing 
  • Lime can be applied any time
  • Aids soil bed eco system